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Important Parent Forms for SY 2024-2025 


General Admission Form - The Admission Form is for NEW students who have already been accepted through the lottery. When completed, email the form to Baba Tyshawn Chisholm,


The Re-enrollment Form should be completed by returning families only. When completed, email the form to: Mama Keviana, All other enrollment materials can be found here!

Roots Covid-19 Safety Policy (SY 2024-2025)
(In-person Instruction)


  1. Students and staff will be screened each day before entering school.

  2. Failed screening or getting sick during the day will constitute non-admission until well or negative test is shown.

  3. Students will be in separate cohorts, keeping intermingling to a minimum.

  4. Students and staff will wear masks throughout the day except when eating.

  5. Students and staff must bring a negative test result every Monday to be admitted.

  6. Students and staff will wash hands frequently.

  7. Disinfecting will be done throughout the day.

  8. The school will has upgraded HVAC filters.

  9. There are portable air filters for each class area and restroom.

  10. We have water coolers and throw away cups.

  11. When a student, staff, or cohort test positive they must be quarantined for five days and return on or after the sixth day with a negative test result.

  12. Close contacts within the class may Test-To-Stay (TTS) if they test negative at that time and when retested two days later also test negative.

  13. All staff must be fully vaccinated.

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